2020 took us on a rollercoaster of unpredictable twists and turns. However, as we encountered new challenges and explored new terrains, we were forced to reevaluate our homes and the ways in which we live. The heart of these homes often lie in a place of warmth, fond memories and familiar smells, the kitchen! But in 2021, this sacred place has undertaken an entirely new role within the home.

As a result of this forced ‘at home fine dining’, many have experienced a monumental shift in the way they view and use their kitchen. The shift from the classic Uber eats order at the office to producing three home cooked meals a day threw a huge spanner in the works, but one of experimentation and positivity. Our kitchen has not only become the essential space within the house, but borderline a hospitality venue. Due to the lack of travel within this period, new and exotic foods that touched our taste buds became a transportation mechanism to unexplored worlds. Our kitchen did not only adopt this ‘aeroplane window’, but suddenly became a place of entertainment and hospitality. But despite the new year and fresh beginnings, leading experts predict that this newly adopted role of the kitchen will remain in place and continue on!
Here are some key trends that have emerged from 2020 and are here to stay:

Instead of simple and traditional BBQ gatherings, replicate your indoor kitchen to the outdoor area! Many people are beginning to maximise their outdoor space by creating premium entertainment domains that allow for more quality time spent with guests as compared to relying on going to restaurants. This not only builds an intimate space with your friends but also offers an opportunity to show off your newly found talent of creating ‘organic-iso’ bread!

The direction of this trend indicates the replacement of small appliances to multi-functional ones, making them work harder than the army of their predecessors. This huge shift towards the combi steam oven will replace the traditional microwave and rice cookers, emphasising their functionality and versatility whilst allowing individuals to experiment more within their kitchens. Ultimately, technology exists to make the process easier with more health benefits and higher energy efficiency.

Speaking of higher energy efficiency, we can all agree on the importance of reducing our carbon footprint on our wonderful earth and this can be easily achieved by taking little steps that create big results! Buyers are paying more attention to both the longevity of their kitchen appliances as well as their upcycling benefits. It has also become clear that these same buyers are adopting a green approach, whether that includes the consideration of their water usage or the energy they consume! Trends such as stainless steel will slowly become things of the past as people move towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Another throwback that has come into play – incinerators! Once thought of as old fashioned has now adopted a new purpose of encouraging compost and recycling. Along these lines, gas stoves are out and induction stoves are in! They add amazing versatility to your kitchen with their many uses and not to forget their wonderful environmentally friendly aspects.

Remember to design with simplicity, practicality and sustainability. That aside, continue to master that 48-hour sourdough you have been practising all year and finally try that seafood paella that will take you back to the busy streets of Barcelona.